Is Online Exam Cheating aThing of the Past?

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At times it may be hard to believe, but online exam cheating still exists and
students are constantly devising innovative methods of circumventing proctoring
Although traditional cheating techniques such as writing on palms have become
significantly less prevalent, new strategies continue to emerge and some of the
more commonly employed are: 1. Copying.
1. Copying
Students are taking advantage of the shift towards online learning by developing
creative ways to cheat during exams. From sticky notes on dogs' collars to virtual
group chats, cheating on an online test has never been simpler.
Students may copy and paste answers they have prepared in advance onto a quiz or
exam from other documents they have on file, making remote proctoring systems
like IRIS more challenging to detect, but still possible.
Searching the internet for test questions and answers is another common way of
cheating in an online exam, either using search engines or downloading files from
dubious websites. As such, it's wise to monitor for unauthorised online exam
material after the test has concluded and ensure your platform offers strong security
Students seeking answers often turn to the internet or friends who took the test
before them for assistance, making it important that exams include questions that
require students to analyze, synthesize and evaluate information - questions which
require deeper levels of knowledge will make answering these more challenging
than simple true/false or multiple choice questions - discouraging any chance for
cheating during tests.
Students attempting to gain unauthorised help while taking an online test may try
and secure it by asking for unscheduled breaks or calling for assistance, making
detection more difficult than normal. It's advised that online test platforms limit
breaks and inform students they must remain on camera throughout their exam -
even for restroom breaks.
Some students will use mobile devices like smartphones or tablets to take pictures of
an online test screen and share its contents with friends or classmates after taking it
- an issue which poses great risk to test administrators, universities and their
reputations alike. In order to prevent this unauthorized distribution of exam content
such as auto-coding software; test administrators should seek solutions which
prevent such distribution of exam content during exams.
2. Sharing
One of the easiest and most efficient ways to cheat on online exams is sharing your
answers with someone else. This technique works extremely well because it can be
completed during an examination; all it requires is asking someone you trust (such
as a friend or an expert) to answer some of your questions for you. Cheating during
standardized tests that occur at various times also relies on sharing answers with
Some students use writing services as another method of cheating on online exams.
These companies can quickly write answers for students as backup when taking an
online test; however, this form of cheating could lead to serious disciplinary actions
from schools or companies.
Use of devices is also a common means of cheating online exams, with students
often turning to external hard drives, USB drives or microSDs in order to create
copies of online exams that they sell or share after tests are over. Other students
use auto coding software in order to help solve tests faster and get higher grades;
both methods are extremely effective ways of cheating that may go undetected by
Other forms of cheating on online exams include using a projector to view a screen
while taking the exam, while some students go so far as prerecording themselves
browsing the internet or taking notes during an invigilated online test, then use
software like ManyCam to mimic their face when they log into the webcam for their
actual test session. This technique can be especially effective when administered by
multiple institutions simultaneously - it allows candidates to take the test with one
colleague while maintaining the illusion they are all alone at home!
Although it may come as a shock that students still find ways to cheat on online
exams, cheating is considered academic misconduct and may lead to punishment.
With more colleges now offering online courses and tests, colleges need to ensure
their integrity is upheld so students don't abuse their systems and attempt to cheat
their way through.
3. Taking a test with another person
Online exams provide an effective means of testing knowledge and skills, but they
also present an opportunity for cheaters. Unfortunately, even with proctoring
software and live chatting sessions in place, students still find ways to cheat online
exams. That is why strong authentication tools such as biometrics, anatomy scans
and facial recognition should be included into your exam system as they will detect
any opportunistic cheaters and prevent them from accessing exam content before
it's too late.
Impersonation is one of the most widespread forms of cheating during an online
exam, in which a student arranges for someone else to take their exam for them.
This may happen either prior to starting or during testing itself and is typically
accomplished through deft manipulation of identity proofs and admit cards.
One popular method for cheating during an online exam is using devices such as
laptops, tablets, or smartphones to store notes and formulas that students can refer
to during testing. This form of cheating is difficult to detect as students can be very
creative when hiding these devices during exams; some even disable microphones
and webcams on their device to avoid detection.
At exam breaks, some students will make excuses such as poor internet connection
or needing a bathroom break to open up their notes or ask their classmates for
assistance. While this type of dishonesty may be hard to prevent, teachers can
prevent such dishonesty by making it clear that no resources may be used during
testing sessions.
Some students attempt to cheat during exams by activating virtual machines that
serve as additional operating systems; this enables them to search the hidden OS
for answers while circumventing proctoring software. Although difficult to stop,
educational institutions can employ features like auto-marking and AI proctoring in
order to detect suspicious behavior such as extra noises or signs of cheating during
online exams more quickly and efficiently.
4. Using allied universal final exam answers a device
Cheating during an online exam takes many forms. Students often go to great
lengths to attempt cheating during tests, including using hidden external devices or
helping other with answers, taking peeks at the screen, or sneaking a peek during
test time. Some go so far as taping notes onto screens, their fingers or desk edges
as means of cheating; though these methods are far from foolproof they should at
least raise red flags with online testing administrators.
There are numerous methods available to detect cheating during an online exam,
including authentication procedures, web monitoring, data forensics and proctoring.
Unfortunately, none of these techniques is guaranteed to detect exam fraud;
students will likely continue looking for ways around them.
Students have been using smartphones to cheat during online exams. Students have
been caught connecting their phones with fellow test-takers to share answers or
visiting unauthorised websites and copy-pasting questions directly into URLs to
access solutions for exam questions. Furthermore, bluetooth devices were found
being used during an exam so students can access notes or calculators without
being detected.
Years ago, a study demonstrated that online examinations had higher cheating rates
than their in-person counterparts, due to students' easy ability to cheat using
technology - something more difficult to detect online. Researchers speculated this
trend might be connected with students using sophisticated fraud schemes while
taking exams online.
Due to so many ways for students to cheat during online exams, cheating rates tend
to increase considerably. Some may attach their notes directly to the edge of the
screen or their desk while others will use two monitors simultaneously and provide
answers simultaneously for one friend's questions from another monitor. TikTok can
even be used by students sharing tips about how they plan on cheating during
There are various strategies for combatting online exam cheating, including making
sure the computer meets Canvas's basic specifications and has no extra programs or
applications running during an examination. Some schools also utilize secure
browser environments that lock exams into kiosk mode so test-takers cannot leave.

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